United Methodist Organizational structure
The UMC is organized in structures which makes Connectionalism a reality. Connectionalism is the way how the UMC is linked together through same:-
- standard organization,
- itinerancy,
- appointment system,
- and existence of agencies
- and through giving.
Through this linking the church has been able to accomplish great things that no one or anyone church could accomplish alone. There is No individual person speaks on behalf of the church but it is the structure that makes decision for the church at all levels.
Connectionalism provides a linkage between members, congregations, churches, charges, districts, annual, central/jurisdictional and general conferences into a world wide web of human and material relationships. This linkage is multi leveled global into scope and local in thrust.
The Organisation
The UMC is organization has three basic structures such as legislative, Executive and Judicial as here bellow:
1. General Conference
Is its legislative branch just like our political parliament. It is composed of not less than 600 and more than 1,000 delegates of equal numbers of both clergy and lay dawned from all United Methodist Local Churches all around the world. Lay persons are non-ordained church members and leaders. They are involved in the ministry of the word, service and justice.
Duties of general conference:
- – Conditions, privileges, and duties of church membership
- – Duties of clergy
- – Powers and duties of jurisdictional, central, annual, missionary, district, charge conferences and congregational meetings.
- – Organizational and promotion of church administrative work and powers and duties of bishop.
- – Publishes the book of discipline, book of worship, book of hymnal, book of resolutions
a) Central Conferences
The UMC has been organized into regions called Central conference outside USA and Jurisdictional conferences which are created by the General conference in accordance to para ¶540. Today, ¶540 (3.). The United Methodist Church outside the United States the church is divided into seven Central Conferences in three continents namely; Africa, Europe and Philippines:
The central conference have the authority to edit and publish a own central conference book of discipline
The central conferences are authorized by the General Conference,
The General Conference provides to central conference shall have a total of at least thirty clergy and thirty lay delegates on the basis of representation as set forth in this section, except as the General Conference may fix a different number.
There are five Jurisdictional (regions) in the United States of America of which each has eight to 15 Annual Conferences. And seven (7) Central Conferences outside America – three in Africa:
- West Africa,
- The Congo and
- Africa Central Conferences and
- Central and South Europe Central Conference;
- Germany Central Conference;
- Northern Europe Central Conference;
- Philippines Central Conference.
These conferences meet every four years after the general conference sitting.
b) Annual Conference
The Term Annual conference refers to both the geographical boundaries of the conference and to the yearly meeting of the members of the annual conference.
Annual conference are Authorized by Central conference or jurisdiction conference apart from the Missionary conference which is created by the General Conference.
Therefore, United Methodist Churches in the outside the United States, has annual conferences, provisional annual conferences, missionary conferences, mission conferences, and missions, in such numbers as the General Conference by a two-thirds vote shall determine.
Each local church is located within a district, and each district is located within an annual conference.
Annual Conference is formed from a multiple districts, connected to one another.
The churches of the Annual Conference work together in lots of ways:
- sending local churches leaders to work on conference boards and committees,
- identifying candidates for ministry,
- giving financial support to ministries and mission projects sponsored by the Conference,
The important functions of annual conference
- Annual Conference elects delegates to General Conference and the Central Conference.
- Annual conference also determines who shall be admitted to its membership, Ordained, retired or granted special leave.
- Annual Conference votes on all constitutional amendments as they may be proposed.
Annual Conference membership includes all the clergy members of the conference and at least an equal number of lay members. Each local charge has at least one lay member of the annual conference who is elected by the local church charge conference.
2. Council of Bishops
This is an executive branch which implements what is passed at the legislative sessions. However, UMC has no single executive officer but Council of Bishops elects a president who serves two years. The Council of Bishops is made up of all Active and retired Bishops of the United Methodist Church.
The Council of Bishops speaks to the Church and from the Church speaks to the world.
The Council of Bishops gives leadership in quest for Christian Unity and Inter-religious relationships.
Bishop serves as a general superintendent of the entire United Methodist Church.
Bishop in the UMC tradition, bishops are not ordained but elected among ordained clergies (specifically the order of elders) and consecrated to the office of a Bishop.
Bishops presides over annual Conference, Central Conferences and also general conference sessions.
3. Judicial Council
It is the denomination’s “supreme court” interprets church law and determines constitutionality of proceedings at all levels of the church life, namely at General Conference, jurisdictional / Central Conferences, Annual Conferences, District Conference and Charge / Circuits/ Parish as well as Local Church. It’s a nine member elected at the general conference.
- Agencies (Ministries) - The term agency describes various councils, boards, commissions, committees, divisions or other unity. A general agency operates at the general church level. General agencies are created by and responsible to the General Conference. The purposes of the general agencies or ministries provide resources and services that will enable individual congregations to serve God effectively in the world.
- Districts and charges / Parishes and projects - Each District has unique success and challenges, Just like our political governments still fighting for the enemies of the societies in Africa for development. The UMC is neither left behind today is being challenged with ignorance, Poverty and Diseases.
All Districts Share Challenges to Building Congregations:
- Lack of Trained and Ordained Pastors - “Illiteracy or Ignorance”
- Minimal salary support to Pastors churches not able to give enough support
- Lack of Land and Church Buildings to propagate evangelism;
- Poverty eating the Christians in the societies / local churches.